pasta for wednesday.

September 15, 2010 Wednesday

i’ve been trying to be more experimental with my food so armed with my Yummy Good To Go recipe book i headed off to the kitchen with help of our yaya of course, and braved the so called skillet. i wish i took pictures of myself doing the actual cooking but i had no time anymore because as usual i woke up late. haha. for today’s menu we have:

breakfast: my first meat-less sandwich! egg(whites) with chopped tomatoes and cheese on wheat bread with grapes. i love how cheese instantly makes everything so deeeelish! πŸ˜€

my meatless sandwich

lunch: my usual salad this time with shredded chicken, mandarin oranges and grapes. i regret putting the mandarin oranges ahead of time. come lunch time the entire salad dish became so water-y it tasted a bit off. lesson learned, mickiego! also,Β  i should have added the chopped walnuts to add more variation to the taste and the texture. but all in all, this was quite ok.

water-y salad

snack: my usual trio of banana, Quaker Oats Granola Bar and Sky Flakes Flaxseed Crackers


dinner: thank you Yummy for this great recipe! πŸ™‚ the original recipe was called Salmon and Spinach Pesto Pasta but seeing as we had no spinach around i decided to substitute it with my ever favorite broccoli. i also healthy-fied this by using wheat rigato instead of the regular one.i am proud to say i was the one who actually did the cooking for this. the yaya was by my side of course but i did fine. hehehe πŸ˜€ i love this pasta dish so much!!! but of course, anything that has salmon in it is y-u-m-m-y! the parmesan cheese also helped this dish become so tasty and full of flavor. i may have gone a bit overboard with the pepper but still, sooo lami!!!! πŸ˜€

salmon+brocolli rigato

outfit: i got this long sleeved floral top from the ukay2x store at Raintree Mall for only P50! πŸ™‚ although the sleeves are quite big, i love the fit of this on me as a whole. my jeans are from SMDS and my shoes, forever nalang gyud akong Suelas.Β  hehe… this is the Llanura in Nude. veyga ra? :p

my favorite ukay top

work: today is payroll day so i spent the entire afternoon at the Colon office doing just that. i also emailed the layout for BBooth’s sale to the marketing person at Ayala’s admin office. we decided to sponsor one of their events this sunday by deploying the BBooth so in exchange the admin is giving us 6 spots for 18×24 inch posters inside the mall. i think it’s a pretty fair deal na. πŸ™‚ here’s the layout i made.

BBooth Sale! πŸ˜€

while at work also, my brother James kept pestering me about his entry for the Manny Librodo workshop. i helped him select this photo because a Manny Librodo portrait always draws a viewer directly to the eyes. there’s a term called Librodo eyes and i myself took 2 workshops before i finally figured out how to do it. hahah! here’s James’ photo which won Top 3 in their contest. it’s a very powerful portrait and very “Manny Librodo” too.

photo by James Go

the model by the way is Kharu, Manny’s one and only muse. this girl is amazing because not only is she a super talented model who communicates so well with the camera, she also does all make up and styling on her own. Manny gives her a concept and she goes out, buys all the accessories, costumes, and props needed, and come photo shoot time, she surprises everyone with an incredible interpretation of the concept. oh, and Kharu is also a Michael Jackson fan. that’s why i love her. hahahah!!! after the Librodo workshop i attended last January 14 of this year, i gave her a Michael Jackson bookmark. you’re amazing Kharu! πŸ˜€ and for memory’s sake, here are my 3 favorite photos from our shoot with Kharu and Manny Librodo. they didn’t make it to the top of our batch’s contest but i’m just happy i finally figured out how to do it the Manny Librodo way. it takes practice to perfect it but i think i did a pretty OK job with these. hehehe πŸ˜€

Kharu by Me

gym: i did one of the same routines as last week’s session. circling, bike, then the very tedious circuit training. this time i leveled it up by having 30 seconds of non-stop punch drills at the beginning. also, for my push ups, my trainer made me put my legs on a bench instead of the usual kneel position. it was so DAMN HARD. but at least i survived 4 rounds of circuit training. after that i did 20 minutes on the bike and another 15 minutes on the elliptical while watching a Glee rerun on TV (speaking of Glee, i can’t wait for the new season! next week na!!! excited!!!). my trainer also told me that next week he’s going to change up my routine na so that i don’t get bored and my body will respond better to my workout too. waaaaah! goodluck to me!

after gym: Lau and i met up at Dan’s yogurt place for a cup of fro-yo. i had red beans + mochi this time. it was an ok combination but i think i should have stuck with the red beans. plus, mochi is a bit too fattening. when we were done w/ our yogurt, Lau and i headed to Kul Kitchen at IT Park. Lau ate her favorite Chicken Lollipops while we chatted about career issues at the same time ogled at the 3 different tables where uber cute guys were seated. Cebu has not run out of hotties after all. hahaha! :p we transferred outside later on where we had a better view of all the cuties inside the restaurant and continued ogling. all that staring made me quite thirsty so i had a glass of Sola and Lau and i shared my leftover white chocolate covered coffee beans from Tablea which i bought last Sunday pa. it was just sitting in my bag this whole time. here’s me and Lau taken with my phone cam.

Lau and me again!

when i got home i took pictures of this photo bracelet which my cousin found today after cleaning up at the store. i almost forgot i even had this! i had this made a few years ago and i’m amazed that the photos are still in pretty good quality. this is a bracelet of photos with me and the most important people in my life. there’s a pic of me and my dad. i have this on a frame in my room and i love that i feel closer to him just by looking at it. then there’s me and my mom taken on the day of my college graduation. i think she looks mighty proud of me here.

the parentals

here’s me as a baby wearing a tube top. at least i got to wear a tube top once in my life. hahaha! and that’s me and my closest sibling MJ (i’m suya w/ her initials because same sila ni Michael Jackson!)

me & dich

here’s me with my siblings all 4 of us taken so long ago. i think i was still in high school here. and another pic of me with the girls in the family – mom and dich. in fairness sa akong pink necklace ha! it was still uso that time. haha!


me with the first doggies that i ever loved like they’re my real babies. baby Sophie for whom i cried until i felt like dying when she passed 😦 and the Queen of our family, baby Kimi.


me wearing the bracelet. i couldn’t get a better shot of this so i had to take it with my Winnie The Pooh bed sheet as background. :p

family photo bracelet

after that i was too lazy to blog already so i just popped over to Yummy‘s website which Ilene recommended. i again found quite a good number of recipes that i want to try out. i guess the cooking bug has bitten me! or is this just a sign of aging? either way, i’m pretty sure it’s a good thing. at least i don’t eat take out from restaurants or from fast food joints anymore. πŸ™‚

“project new mickiego” is coming along quite ok. i’m getting there slowly but surely.

p.s. i love you Michael Jackson!